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  • RE: Oversight Requirements

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous I review Trans Union annually and although there are a lot of complaints, we take it as the nature of the business they provide. For them, we primarily focus on the business aspect ...

  • Hi All, How do you look at DD for Equifax and/or TransUnion? I am performing DD on both of them for the first time and when looking at the Better Business Bureau and CFPB, there are alot of complaints on both of them. They also have low customer ...

  • Questionnaire for Ongoing monitoring

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Can you share the questionnaire you use and send for ongoing monitoring of critical vendor or vendors who you are sending personal / regulated data? Is it the same as the one used ...

  • Posted in: Risk Assessments

    Material or critical fourth parties can still expose your organization to risk, so you're definitely on the right track of wanting to identify them. The good news is that these critical fourth parties can be identified in your third parties' ...

  • RE: MSA for Occupational Healthcare Services?

    Posted in: Contract Management

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Yes we have service agreements with our appropriate contractual protections and conduct due diligence oversight commensurate with our risk matrix due to NPII and HIPPA data.

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