Effectively track and monitor all contractual service level agreements
Setup SLAs, create thresholds, identify escalation points, attach evidence, record your findings, move vendors into remediation with defined cure periods, and report on all remediation efforts.

Maintain high-quality and consistent service
Through a detailed log and formalized process, tracking the SLA through each step of the way and viewing reports, you’re able to hold both your team and the vendor accountable.

Identify financial gain if thresholds are not being met
Easily spot and call attention to SLA issues to maximize potential options to benefit your organization.

Conveniently compare services for the best match
Utilize active and historical SLA information to analyze and provide insight to base long-term service provider selection decisions.
Identify and remediate vendor performance levels
Easily spot if a SLA is not being performed properly or at all and track the process to remediate it.
Record vendor performance
Keep track of performance by notating if they're following the SLA or not. There are severity settings including Successful Performance, Improvement Needed, and Unsuccessful Performance. You can set SLA boundaries around range, penalty, cure period, and escalation.
Create thresholds and identify escalation points
A team member will receive email notifications when an SLA reaches a boundary that requires escalation.
Comprehensive SLA reports
Pull reports on inventory, performance, remediation, and performance trends. See how the performance continues as additional entries are added.
Drive results with robust features
Central SLA monitoring

Attach evidence

Remediate SLA and record work

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"Their vendor assessment service takes a significant amount of time and pressure off of our staff, who don’t have the expertise to adequately review most high-risk or critical vendors."

“Very user friendly with tons of features that can be utilized to automate manual processes. Everything is in one place and easy to find/access. Makes tracking down information easy and consistent "

“Can't say enough good things about Venminder! It is an excellent vendor management solution right out of the box, but it is also flexible and configurable to fit almost any vm program"

"Switching to Venminder has been absolutely life-changing, and I can't say enough good things about this amazing platform!"

"Venminder's platform provides a great centralized tool to track, assess, and review vendors. It provides robust functionality around each of the phases of the overall vendor lifecycle"

"It has provided a platform to better manage our Vendor Relationships throughout the entire vendor lifecycle. Venminder has also provided top notch support every step of the way"

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