
Gain a 360-degree view of third-party risk by using our SaaS software to centralize, track, automate, assess and report on your vendors. 

Managed Services

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts to reduce the workload and mature your program. 

Document Collection
Policy/Program Template/Consulting
Virtual Vendor Management Office
Vendor Site Audit

Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


Use Cases

Learn more on how customers are using Venminder to transform their third-party risk management programs. 


Venminder is used by organizations of all sizes in all industries to mitigate vendor risk and streamline processes

Why Venminder

We focus on the needs of our customers by working closely and creating a collaborative partnership

Sample Vendor Risk Assessments

Venminder experts complete 30,000 vendor risk assessments annually. Download samples to see how outsourcing to Venminder can reduce your workload.



Trends, best practices and insights to keep you current in your knowledge of third-party risk.


Earn CPE credit and stay current on the latest best practices and trends in third-party risk management.  

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On-Demand Webinars



Join a free community dedicated to third-party risk professionals where you can network with your peers. 

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Receive the popular Third Party Thursday newsletter into your inbox every Thursday with the latest and greatest updates.



Venminder Samples

Download samples of Venminder's vendor risk assessments and see how we can help reduce the workload. 

State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.


Best Practices and Answers
Frequently Asked ON24 Webinar Questions

ON24 Streaming Best Practices


What are best practices for streaming ON24 webinars?
  1. Restart your computer the day of the webinar.

  2. Clear your cache.
    • To clear cache, go to your browser history settings, select cached images and files, and clear data.

  3. Close out of as many unused browser tabs and applications as possible.

  4. Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are supported, but Chrome is recommended.

  5. Ensure you are connected to the internet.
    • For Audio events, we recommend a minimum internet connection of 128 Kbps.
    • For Video events, you’ll need a minimum Internet connection of 800 Kbps for an optimal experience.

  6. Have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
    • Unstable Wi-Fi due to congestion or other causes can result in connectivity drops.

  7.  Supported System Configurations include the following:
    • Windows 10+ (Latest Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Chrome)
    • Apple Mac OS 10.10+ (*Latest Firefox, Safari, or Chrome)
    • Android 9+ (Latest Chrome Browser)
    • Apple iOS 12+ (*Latest Safari Browser)
    • Official support for the "latest" version of a newly released browser, among those noted above, will be added within 8 weeks of public release. Until then, the previous version will continue to be supported instead.
    • If you’re using an unsupported version of a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, you may experience difficulty in viewing and/or listening to the event.

  8. If this is the first-time logging in, allow access to your mic and camera.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why are your webinar sessions generic to all industries vs industry specific?

Venminder webinars are designed to be educational for all. There are many different industries that join Venminder webinars, so we try to be inclusive to all industries versus specific to an industry.

Do you use industry specific terms?

You may notice that we use words interchangeably, such as vendor, supplier and third party, all of which represent the same thing. We are catering to all industries. 

I asked a question but didn’t receive an answer yet. How are questions usually handled?

We love your engagement not only on our webinar sessions but in all the third-party risk educational opportunities we offer. Considering we have hundreds of attendees on our sessions, we do receive many questions. We will answer some of them live and those we do not have time to answer we will address offline within two weeks of the session. We also invite you to get opinions from your peers by asking questions within our Third Party ThinkTank, an online community that is dedicated to third-party risk professions and free to join.

What is the cost to attend a webinar?

Most of Venminder’s webinars are complimentary and free to attend. If there is a cost associated, you will find the pricing information on the registration page.

How do I access a recording of the live session?

A recording is made available 24 hours following the live session. You can access on-demand sessions here:

Accessing the Presentation

Do I have to be registered for the webinar to attend the live session?

Yes, every attendee must be registered to attend the live session. The email you used to register is the email to use when logging into the live event. Each person must be individually registered, meaning no group attendance is allowed.

I cannot get past the login page. I fill in my email address and it doesn’t change to a different screen. What should I do?

This likely means the email address you are inputting is not registered. Ensure to use the email address you used when registering. And, if you do not remember or continue to have issues, reach out to and we’ll assist further.

What should I do if my email address is not working to let me into the webinar?

To access the webinar, you need to use the exact email address you used to register for the webinar. If you’re still experiencing issues or forget the email address you used, reach out to and we will look further into the issue and get you registered right away so that you can log on.

Why can I access the event, but I cannot view the slides, or the slides are not flipping?

Since the presentation is browser-based, it could need a refresh. Try refreshing the presentation by either hitting F5 on your keyboard, clicking the circle icon next to the URL, or closing out and relaunching the presentation. If you have joined an event which has already started, please wait a few moments. The slides are either synchronized with the event and will flip with the next timed marker in the presentation, or are user-controlled and can be flipped using controls located below the slides.

Why am I receiving a message that the event is not currently available?
  1. You may see this message due to one of the following reasons:
    • The event you are trying to access has not yet been broadcasted.
    • It’s not time for the event to start or within 15 minutes of the start time. Verify the live event’s start time and date.
    • The event may have only been available for live access.
    • The event you’re trying to access has concluded, but the on-demand version is not yet available. Please check back 24 hours after the conclusion of the original event date to access the on-demand version.
    • The event may no longer be available.


Is there a call-in number for the webinar?

The session is designed to be more easily accessible by computer, so a dial-in number is not needed. It’s much simpler. The webinar is browser-based; therefore, the slides and audio will play through your computer speakers. If your computer is not playing the audio (likely due to a setting on your computer), try listening through your phone by clicking the link on your mobile device. You can view on your computer and listen via phone, acting the same as a dial-in option.

I lost audio and can’t hear the presentation. What should I do?

The webinar is browser-based, so audio and video run through your computer. When you log into the event, ensure your volume is turned all the way up. You may also need to try refreshing your page and/or clearing cache. If you’re still having streaming issues, be aware that a lot of applications or windows open can impact the streaming quality. An alternative option is listening/watching on your phone by clicking the link on your mobile device.

My company restricts my computer audio and I do not have access to hear the webinar. How can I hear the webinar?

As a workaround, we recommend logging into the webinar from a mobile device and using audio from your phone.

I am in an open office setting, so cannot have my computer volume up. How can I hear the webinar?

We have two recommendations. You can hook headphones or a headset to your computer or log into the webinar from a mobile device and use headphones.

I am unable to hear the audio. Is there captioning available?

Yes, there is a live captioning option within the Chrome browser. Go to your settings, click in accessibility, and then you can turn on the Live Caption option. This will add an extension at the top of your page next to the website address (the icon is 3 lines with a music note next to it). This will populate the captions at the bottom of the screen.

Streaming Quality

My screen is frozen/not loading. What should I do?

First, if you’re experiencing a loading issue, try logging in through Google Chrome as it’s the recommended browser for the best streaming experience. Also, try refreshing your screen and clearing your cache, if needed. If you have multiple browser tabs open and/or other applications running, we recommend closing out of unused tabs and applications, as having multiple can impact the webinar’s streaming quality.

The sound works continuously, but the video freezes. Why is this?
This is usually because of network congestion. Network congestion manifests itself in different ways:
  • The sound works continuously, but the video freezes.
  • The program continually stops and rebuffers.
  • The player automatically stops, requiring you to click play again to resume.
The media player automatically stops or it continually stops and rebuffers. Why is this?
Network congestion can occur at any time due to the following problems:
  • If you are connecting to the Internet through a slow connection or over a congested Wi-Fi or cellular (mobile) network.
  • You are trying to access an event during peak internet traffic hours.
  • If you are connecting to the internet from a mobile device.
  • There is heavy traffic on your company network.
Do you have recommendations to alleviate network congestion?
To alleviate network congestion, you may want to consider the following:
  • Minimize the number of applications you are running while accessing the event.
  • Switch to a different internet network.
  • If you are trying to access the on-demand presentation, you may want to view at a less busy time.


Can I move around and resize the widgets?

Yes, you can make any widget larger or smaller and minimize widgets that you do not want to see. To move the widgets, click and drag to desired locations. To resize, hover your mouse to the edge of the widget and click and drag to desired size. To resize the slides widget, click the four arrows in the upper right corner of the widget. To hide and open the widgets, click on the associated widget icon in the tool bar at the bottom of the screen. Hover over the icons to find the right one to click as the name of the widget will appear.

I keep seeing emojis come across my screen. Is there a way to turn this off?

This feature in the webinar is called ‘Reactions’. We like to create an interactive experience for our audience. You can turn it off by clicking the four arrows in the top right-hand corner of the slides widget, which will expand the slides to full screen and no longer show the reactions.

CPE Credit Information 

How do I get CPE Credit for this webinar?

To receive the CPE Credit, you must be in attendance for the entire live session, answer all poll questions, and complete the CPE Survey that will be sent out 24 hours after the live session in a follow up email.

How do I request CPE Credit?

You will be sent a follow up email 24 hours after the live session that will need to be completed. Completing the survey is how you request the CPE Credit. Once the survey is completed, it will be reviewed against our attendee and poll questions reports. If all requirements are met, you will receive your Certificate of Completion within 5-7 business days of completing the survey.

I missed one of the poll questions, can I still receive CPE Credit?

To receive CPE Credit, all poll questions must be answered. You can submit your answer to the poll question in the Ask Question widget and we can log it for you so that you can receive the credit.

When will I receive my CPE Credit?

You will receive your Certificate of Completion 5-7 business days after completing the CPE Survey.

Are on-demand webinar sessions CPE Credit eligible?

No, on-demand webinar sessions are not CPE Credit eligible. 

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