
Gain a 360-degree view of third-party risk by using our SaaS software to centralize, track, automate, assess and report on your vendors. 

Managed Services

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts to reduce the workload and mature your program. 

Document Collection
Policy/Program Template/Consulting
Virtual Vendor Management Office
Vendor Site Audit

Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


Use Cases

Learn more on how customers are using Venminder to transform their third-party risk management programs. 


Venminder is used by organizations of all sizes in all industries to mitigate vendor risk and streamline processes

Why Venminder

We focus on the needs of our customers by working closely and creating a collaborative partnership

Sample Vendor Risk Assessments

Venminder experts complete 30,000 vendor risk assessments annually. Download samples to see how outsourcing to Venminder can reduce your workload.



Trends, best practices and insights to keep you current in your knowledge of third-party risk.


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Venminder Samples

Download samples of Venminder's vendor risk assessments and see how we can help reduce the workload. 

State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.



Data Protection Assessment

Our Data Protection Assessment (DPA) is a comprehensive risk-based review of the controls your vendor or suppliers have in place to protect against cybersecurity threats and meet data privacy regulations. The assessment is aligned with global industry guidelines, frameworks, standards and laws.  

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ISPA Download Page


See it in Action: Take a tour of the Data Protection Assessment

See the valuable insights you could gain to streamline and make better risk-based decisions when evaluating your vendor or supplier's data protection practices.

Most Commonly Used For:
Critical and Medium/High Risk Technology Third Parties

Take the DPA Tour

We assess the key domains covering
supplier and vendor data privacy practices

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Data Privacy

We conduct an in-depth review of your vendor or supplier's data privacy practices, covering breach notifications, privacy notices, data requests, consent, and sharing with fourth parties, ensuring alignment with industry guidelines, frameworks, standards and laws.


Security Testing

We administer a review to provide you with insights into your vendor or supplier’s penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and social engineering exercises carried out on their systems and personnel. 


Information Security Governance

Our assessment on information security governance provides a clear view of whether the vendor or supplier has formal programs, policies and industry standard practices in place, such as whether they have an information security policy, have a designated CISO, conduct background checks and more.  


Sensitive Data Security

We evaluate the security practices employed by your vendors or suppliers to protect sensitive data that is stored and processed. Our assessment covers encryption, secure device configuration, incident detection and response, as well as their application security.



We assess the ability of your vendor or supplier to withstand virtual and physical potentially business-impacting events, including reviewing controls ranging from data backups to on-site generators to better understand the potential for uninterrupted continuation of your business operations, even in challenging situations. 


Business Continuity

We determine your vendor or supplier's capacity to provide services during unexpected business disruptions, and their ability to resume normal operations, including Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective. We also verify that they have documented business continuity and disaster recovery plans in place. 

Augment your team and streamline supplier and vendor data protection reviews

Ensure vendor and supplier  compliance with data privacy laws and regulations

Navigating the intricate landscape of local, national, and international data protection laws and regulations can be daunting. Keeping pace with the evolving regulations requires constant vigilance and deep expertise. Data privacy compliance responsibility extends throughout the supply chain where your organization could face severe consequences for failures by a vendor.

We thoroughly evaluate your vendor's data protection practices for alignment with regulations and standards, ensuring the vendor has implemented critical controls found within regulatory requirements, standards, frameworks, and laws, including US state and international privacy laws, such as CPRA, VCDPA and GDPR. This assessment enables your organization's decision-makers to quickly assess, spot areas of concern and give the information needed to address the data risks associated with vendors confidently.

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Expertise you can trust

Assessing a vendor's data protection controls involves collecting and reviewing numerous documents. This process demands the knowledge and skills of professionals in information security and often exceeds your internal resources' available time or capabilities.

Our experienced data protection professionals handle the evidence collection and review your vendor's data protection controls to provide a comprehensive risk-based assessment. This approach allows your team to skip the tedious work and can focus on the finished assessment to understand the risks associated with your vendor. Our team stays up-to-date and continuously keeps our Data Protection Assessment aligned with the latest data protection practices and regulations.  

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Build a consistent evaluation framework for assessing your vendors and suppliers

Creating a consistent approach to assessing your technology     vendor data practices is time-consuming, requires defining clear specifications and indicators, risk ratings and keeping that approach current with new standards. 

Our assessment offers a standardized and reliable way to compare and evaluate your vendor's data protection controls. This consistency ensures that each assessment meets the highest quality standards and covers the latest key controls. You can use the assessment to quickly drill down to the topics or specific items you are most concerned with, identify action items and priorities for follow-up due diligence based on risk-ratings and data insights. 

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How it works


Collection of evidence and documents​

Venminder’s team directly works with your vendor or supplier to collect the numerous technical documents needed for a qualified and comprehensive assessment of data practices. ​


Review by information security professionals​

Venminder’s experienced information security professionals thoroughly examine the evidence to assess whether your vendor or supplier has implemented critical data protection controls. ​


Streamlined assessment delivery​

You receive an easy-to-understand risk assessment on your vendor or supplier's data protection controls that is available on the Venminder platform and as a downloadable PDF, our reports are easy to understand and are perfect for internal sharing, review, and decision-making. ​


Better risk-based decisions​ that protects data

You and your organization’s decision-makers can now make an informed choice about data privacy risks posed by the vendor or supplier and take action to mitigate or address them with confidence.​


Discover why Venminder
is top-rated by customers

Ensure vendor and supplier compliance with industry guidelines, frameworks, standards and laws

  • ccpa
  • gdpr
  • virginia
  • fdic
  • hippa
Technology Standards and Frameworks

AICPA Trust Services Criteria​

ISO/IEC 27001:2022​

NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity version 1.1​

NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations​

NIST SP 800-63b Digital Identity Guidelines​


Regulations, Statutes, and Laws

California Consumer Privacy Act​

California Privacy Rights Act​

Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act​

China Personal Information Protection Law​

Colorado Privacy Act​

Connecticut Data Privacy Act​

EU General Data Protection Regulation​

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act​

Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security Standards​

Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships​

New York Department of Financial Services - 23 NYCRR 500​

Industry Guidance

Center for Internet Security – Critical Security Controls v8​

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook – Audit Booklet

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook – Business Continuity Booklet​

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook – Management Booklet​

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook – Operations Booklet​

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook – Outsourcing Technology Services​

FFIEC IT Examination Handbook - Wholesale Payment Systems Booklet​

FINRA Report on Cybersecurity Practices​

OCC 2021-36 Authentication and Access to Financial Institution Services and Systems​

SEC Regulation SCI reference to NIST 800-53 Rev. 4​

Learn about regulations, standards and guidelines to which the DPA maps here >



Free Sample

Data Protection Assessment

Get a sample copy of this data protection risk-based assessment to see how Venminder can help you identify areas of possible weakness in your vendor or supplier's data protection practices.

Ready to make Venminder your home for managing vendors and their risk?

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